N. Riley Heagerty
N. Riley Heagerty, author of “The Mediumship of the Bangs Sisters,” discusses two of the most unusual mediums in history, May and Elizabeth Bangs of New York State, who could precipitate remarkable, accurate, and detailed painted portraits of loved ones in spirit for clients. How did they do it?

Dr. Daugherty with his spirit family
Here are two of the Bangs Sisters’ portraits: One is Dr. Daugherty (who was the living sitter) and his deceased family of wife and twin daughters, one of the rarest spirit portraits ever done. Dr. Daugherty went to the Bangs Sisters for a spirit portrait of his deceased wife. After she manifested on to the canvas, he put the finished portrait down by the floor while he got ready to leave. When he picked up the portrait again, the spirit artists, as a gift, not only added to the portrait his two deceased twin girls, but he himself. The single portrait is of Alex Park Mckee, precipitated in eight minutes in daylight in front of witnesses.

Alex Park Mxkee